Workshop on Integral Education, NEP and Project-Based Learning for Rural Teachers
2-8 January 2025

The workshop on Integral Education, National Education Policy, and Project-Based Learning started on 2nd January and ended on 8th January 2025. The workshop had 33 participants from 14 rural schools, spanning Odisha, Leh , Uttarakhand, Assam., Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal. Objectives: Experience the application of theoretical concepts into practice – by engaging in various activities and sessions of the NEP (New Education Policy) Think analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems and make decisions in project based environment Understand the softer aspects while evaluating children on their progress Leads to development of skills, encouraging students to reflect, conceptualize, and plan for next steps.


  • Invocation and formulation of New Year Resolutions and Aspirations
  • Physical and Vital Education
  • English Language Development
  • Initial Mathematics
  • Project: Me, Myself and My Body
  • Light, Magnetism, Force etc.
  • Sports and Games
  • Hindi Language development
  • Integral education

Guided activities by Swapnika; ATB - Fakira, Sonia, Indra, Pratyasa, Parwati.

Dr Aparna Roy explained the nature of physical, emotional/vital, mental and psychic beings of humans. She narrated several stories to make understand how can we prepare the instruments (physical, vital, mental) and make use of them for the psychic growth. She also focused on how education should be designed to nurture the overall development of children, encouraging growth not just in academic knowledge but also in personal and emotional well-being.

Language workshop was scheduled after gradually laying a foundation on integral approach in education and parts of the being. The session began with understanding how the any language is learnt.

Every day morning Yogasana class started with Om chanting by Ms. Priya Gupta; she taught about keeping an awareness while performing the action of various subtle body movements. She taught a combination of standing, sitting, supine and prone asanas. The asanas she taught were tadasana, trikonasana, parsvakonasana, virabhadrasana, vrksasana, utthita padasana, gomukhasana, upavistha konasana, adho mukha svanasana, adho mukha virasana, pawanmuktasana, shalabhasana, setubandhasana, dhanurasana and many more. The pranayamas which she taught were bhastrika, anulom-vilom, bhramari, kapalbhati. She also emphasized on the correct way to relax the body in Savasana. The short meditation in the savasana further helped in releasing the negative thoughts and surrendering totally to the Divine. This helped in calming the body as well as the mind.

In the Initial Mathematics, the participants were asked to take few materials from different categories and counters like shells, seeds, ice-cream sticks, varieties of stones, animal toys, ganit mala, flash cards, math card games, rongometry, Abacus etc. and to make designs with them and later many of them shared the story, thought, idea behind each of the design. They learnt that through this activity the qualities and faculties like concentration, imagination, perception, logical reasoning, storytelling, pattern and design, counting, observation will develop and children would be joyfully involved in the process.

Science Experiments: The schools were given around 25 experiments involving a variety of topics like transport, electricity, light, magnetism, force and pressure, aerodynamics, human body etc. During the session each experiment was demonstrated and the principles were explained along with its applications in everyday life. It was a thrilling experience for all the participants.

Self-Reflection by Teachers: The purpose of doing self-observation and self-reflection is to know one’s feelings, thoughts, and other inner movements in a better way. It helps a person to withstand the difficulties of life in a better way. The reflections were done through stories.

During Delhi Darshan participants embarked on a journey that commenced at Qutub Minar. Here, the rich history and significance of Qutub Minar in Indian history were elucidated, offering insights into Delhi's Sultanate period. The Akshardham Temple, where participants immersed themselves in the Sahajanand story. This narrative unfolded the transformation of a man and the inspiring tale of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. The visit to the National Museum was a truly eye-opening experience for everyone. As they gazed upon the ancient coins, earthen pots, and a wide array of other artifacts from the Indus Valley and Harappan civilizations, the participants were filled with awe.